Eastendhomearts's Blog

Knitting, Crocheting and comments about life

Archive for the category “Design”

Crochet on the Runway


A contribution to the resurgence of crochet in popularity can be attributed to the runway and the fashion world. Woman’s fashion is taking a stroll through the ultra feminine side of things which makes open work and lace appealing. The above piece was just one crocheted piece I saw in the Manhattan shop of the widely popular Anthropologie!

My favorite piece this season I saw was a filet crochet inspired top that was super feminine and ultra elegant! I saw this at Free People in Manhattan earlier this year however I have not been able to find a picture since but am still on the hunt!

The Vogue Knitting issue of Crochet, elevated the art of crocheting to the world of high fashion. Mari Lynn Patrick, who is a veteran of the industry reinvented the granny square. Who knew a granny square could be so fashion forward! My other favorites were the various jewelry pieces that I can’t wait to start stitching!

What’s your favorite crochet trend on the runways? 5 Comments and a free Chain 2 pattern will be releases and better yet a hint of Chain 2’s phase two will be revealed!!!

Not sure what chain2 is yet? Well visit phase 1 – Chain 2 a blog! http://www.chaintwo.wordpress.com

Vogue Crochet Magazine- Giddy with excitement

A couple of days ago, I received an email that has had me overcome with excitement… The Vogue Crochet issue was available on the iPad! As an avid reader of Vogue Knitting, knitter and crocheter I am always to see a crochet design in the pages of the magazine from time to time. When I heard they were publishing a whole special issue dedicated to crochet my heart melted and brimmed with excitement. Like any other good stitcher would do I “borrowed” my husbands iPad and read it cover to cover.
The designs were even greater then I had imagined. I was excited to see some of my favorite crochet designers designs take the front and center of the issue. Candi Jensen had two great designs that I can’t wait to make, Shiri Mor had a pair of socks that will rock your idea of crochet and Mari Lynn Patrick amazed with her granny square pieces.
As a younger stitcher, I am so thankful to see this beautiful art showcased in such a way that is modern and fashionable.

So who’s ready to get hooking? I sure am!


Ice Wine Cowl for Purl by the Sea in Montauk

For all of you who are patiently waiting here is the pattern for the Ice Wine Cowl. Created and designed for me for Purl by the Sea.
Ice wine cowl
Yarn: Madeline Tosh dk light , 380 yards per skein only one skein needed
Measurements: 10 inches wide by 30 inches long
Gauge: 22 sts in st pattern 3 1/2 in
Co 67 sts
Row 1:
K9, {k3 * yo, k2, ssk, k 2 tog, k2, yo, k1 rep from * end k1 }, k9
Row 2:k 9, Purl 49, k9
Row 3: K9, {k2 *yo, k2, ssk, k2tog, k2,yo,k1* end k2 },k9
Row 4: k9, purl 49, k9

Repeat rows 1-4 until piece measures 30 inches

Bind off

Seam cast on edge to bind of edge and enjoy!

Want a challenge? Use a provisional cast on and don’t bind off and use either a three needle bind off or Kitchener stitch to complete the circle to form the cowl!

Would love to see finished pictures and comments!




Yoko Hatta’s- The Cardi Wrap

This piece seen live is absolutely amazing. The simple construction is hidden in the elegant lace detail of the collar and the sleeves. The piece is made in 5 pieces making it totally suitable for knitting on the go! Watching various people try it on at Purl by the Sea, I can attest to the fact that it looks good on various body types! Make this elegant Cardi wrap and it will be sure to please!


Ice Cowl for Purl by the Sea in Montauk

For all of you who are patiently waiting here is the pattern for the Ice Wine Cowl. Created and designed for me for Purl by the Sea.
Ice wine cowl
Yarn: Madeline Tosh dk light , 380 yards per skein only one skein needed
Measurements: 10 inches wide by 30 inches long
Gauge: 22 sts in st pattern 3 1/2 in
Co 67 sts
Row 1:
K9, {k3 * yo, k2, ssk, k 2 tog, k2, yo, k1 rep from * end k1 }, k9
Row 2:k 9, Purl 49, k9
Row 3: K9, {k2 *yo, k2, ssk, k2tog, k2,yo,k1* end k2 },k9
Row 4: k9, purl 49, k9

Repeat rows 1-4 until piece measures 30 inches

Bind off

Seam cast on edge to bind of edge and enjoy!

Want a challenge? Use a provisional cast on and don’t bind off and use either a three needle bind off or Kitchener stitch to complete the circle to form the cowl!

Would love to see finished pictures and comments!




Summer Poncho by Shiri Mor

As promised yesterday I am reviewing the pieces of Vogue Knitting’s Spring of 2012 issue as I saw them all in person at an event celebrating Purl by The Sea’s one year anniversary.

The first piece to review is none other than the cover piece itself by designer Shiri Mor ( who happens to be a friend of mine and I admire her work greatly!). The piece was exquisite and because it was quite the chilly day out in Montauk, Carla herself donned this exquisite poncho to add a bit of warmth to her attire for the day. It is moments like this when I wish I would have taken pictures but I was having so much fun who was going to stop to take a picture.

The benefits to making this for your spring wardrobe is that the garment construction is simple so as to avoid lots of increasing and decreasing in lace patterns but the detail in the hand stitching will keep you interested and on your toes! The panel has a 20 row lace repeat that is easy to recognize when you knit up so as to avoid making mistakes as you knit. Also great to make as a gift because the sizing is for one size fits most!

This piece is a hands down winner to add to your spring collection of hand knits! Great job Shiri and congrats on the cover.

Comments welcome! Will post the cowl pattern tomorrow! If anyone has pictures of the event please let me know so I can post them!


Vogue Knitting Spring Collection in Person

A while back I had written about how happy it makes me when the spring knitting magazines arrive at the local yarn shops. Today, I got to experience Vogue Knitting’s spring line in person!

It’s even hard to put this experience into words! Purl by the Sea in Montauk, NY was celebrating their one year as well as the opening of the new shop! Nora had invited Vogue Knitting to come to the shop and they came! Executive editor of Knit Simple magazine and knitting editor of Vogue Knitting Rosemary Drysdale brought the issue to us. A slide show of the spring issue helped us to appreciate the details of the work. They also brought about 20 pieces from the magazine for us to see, try on and admire! Carla wore the cover sweater by Shiri Mor as she presented. Mari Lynn Patrick’s mohair silk sweater was amazing to see in person. There were so many and I will write about more tomorrow as I am nearing 10pm and have been up knitting every night until 2 this week preparing to go out to Nora’s.

I also designed two patterns for the event. Which I will probably post for all my loyal blog readers. I also presented a healthy knitting lecture which was fun as well.

Overall an amazing day and I also won a Della Q messenger bag! Yeah! Will definitely write more tomorrow when I have my issue in front of me and give details about the garments I saw first hand! I heart Vogue Knitting!

Comments appreciated! If you were there double bonus!!!




Montauk Knitting Shop Reborn- Purl By the Sea turns 1!

It must be the week of exciting yarn news here on Long Island. Not only did Rumplestilskin open their kiosk in the Smith Haven Mall but Montauk’s own Purl by the Sea is turning one! Nora Franzetti, owner of the shop had closed approximately 2 years ago when her husband had died after a long illness. Nora took some time for herself to heal from the loss of her husband but longed for her little knitting shop to come alive again. Nora decided a year ago to reopen Purl by the Sea. She was gloriously backed by a community of knitters both locally and not so locally ( I live 2 hours away…I will travel for a great yarn shop!) I found out about their closure shortly before planning my 30th birthday celebration in May with friends! I was having a relaxing day at Guerney’s Inn and Spa when I noticed a girl knitting in the gift shop. I had mentioned to her how sad I was that the shop had closed and was wondering if she had any information and she looked at me with a puzzled delight… “You didn’t know Nora is back !” I could hardly contained my excitement and dragged all my friends into town to check out this little knitting store that could !

Since that day, I have been to Nora’s shop a bunch of times. I have taken classes with the great Rosemary Drysdale, attended their many trunk shows and even participated in one of their yarn crawls. It is with great delight that I will travel out there this weekend to celebrate with Nora and the crew at the shop Leslie, Jane and Ellie. I will be giving a mini lecture on keeping your body healthy as you knit (don’t worry I will blog about it as well) as well as be offering an East End Home Arts exclusive pattern especially for Purl by the Sea. (I may post it on the blog if there are enough comments) So come join me , Rosemary Drysdale and Carla Scott from Vogue Knitting as they reveal the new Crochet magazine. I cant wait !!!!!!!!!!!!! See you there ! 

The Local Yarn Shop meets the Mall

Today was a day I will never forget! One of my fave local yarn shops, Rumplestiltskin Yarns opened up a kiosk in the mall! Thats right the mall! This is their third location!!! Amazing! Pretty much I can get my hands on yarn in all my favorite places…. The village of stony brook, Sayville and now the mall!

They coupled yarn with patterns in kit form that are super fashionable and shopper friendly! The color choices and pairings were like fine wine and cheese! My fave parts were the notions because I love notions and never am able to find my needles. They stock a full line of the Brittany hardwood needles and shawl pins as well as a selection of circular knitting needles. My choice of the day was a cute yarn bag perfect to put a project in to protect your yarn from rolling around everywhere when you knit. ( this is especially important when you knit in public… Which I do quite often)

In short, it’s a success!! I can’t wait to see how many people decide to pick up some needles just bc of the kiosk!
(I wonder if they will hire people with fancy accents that say you must try it like the nail and hand lotion kiosk in the mall… Jk but a cool idea to have people just try it!)

Love to here what you think about the kiosk or about the idea in general.

You know the deal… 5 comments free pattern posted!!!





Why we do what we do!!!

“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift” – Steve Prefontaine

Yes… I just started a blog about knitting using a quote from a runner! Why you may ask… Because it helps me to describe my passion. I have always been a passionate person. In everything I do I give 1000%. I am a runner, a physical therapist, mom and a wife…. As you all know I’m also an avid knitter. As soon as I got involved I dove in as any passionate enthusiast would. I bought as much yarn as I could afford, books galore and needles boy do I love needles!

As I continued to grow in my hobby my passion became design. I am a left handed person in the right frame of mind so I just had to start designing. When I started knitting almost 10 years ago there were very few design books available. I started my own quest by seeking out information on garment construction, drape and fit. With many thanks to the Internet I found out I was not the only person and I surrounded myself with like minded people.

After the information age revolutionized Knitting as we knew it the design books began to pour out. Classics began being reprinted ( Principles of Knitting- amazing btw, Alice Starmores fair isle, and of course Elizabeth Zimmermand and Barbara Walker!) Tonight I found myself studying with a book that will surely be a classic.., Shirley Padens design book! For someone who enjoys knitting and fashion is just a long for the ride it’s a great introduction to garment construction and their schematics… There is so much more then that but that’s where I got to tonight.

So to the brilliant knitters who have come before me! Thank you for imparting your knowledge and investing in the future of knitting. I hope one day to be as great as you!

So sometimes when you are wondering why you do what you do whether your knitting your first scarf or you design for one of the great publications… Open up a classic and remember this is why you do what you do!

“Don’t give up on a thing you cant go a day without thinking about”
Winston Churchill

Comments welcome fellow knitters!


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